I’m feeling most uncomfortable…

I started having hot flashes 2 weeks ago. I am 5 days away from my 47th birthday, and one week away from my own fine art nude photoshoot. So much to unpack. I’ve known about this photoshoot for months. I intended to be in the best shape, lose the 30 lbs I have been wanting to lose, and feel super sexy and ready to embrace my middle-aged bod. Instead, I have lost 3lbs, started HRT and feel a little disconnected from my body as it is changing on its own without my consent.

I realize this normal, I realize this is ok, but I’m still uneasy, nervous and tempted to back out. What is making me want to do this is that I 100% trust the photographer, it will be in. my studio, and it is an exercise in self love, surrender and embracing my body as art. Always. Not only when its skinny/ fit/ young/ insert other traditional beauty standard.

photo from my last session 4 years ago with Kara Marie Trometta

Stepping outside our comfort zone is so important and I am alway grateful after I do it, but it does not make it any easer to get through and take that step. When was the last time you did this?


When should you book a boudoir session?


I’m The Expensive Photograph on The Wall