Austin | Boutique Women's Boudoir, Branding, Maternity, and Motherhood Photographer

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Your confidence bleeds into our every aspect of your life...

I am passionate about creating a safe and empowering space for all my clients, where we can capture not just killer images but also stories, emotions, and the essence of who you truly are as a woman.

As women, we are fed a lot of bull shit about what we should look like and how we should act. What if a simple photoshoot could transform how you see yourself and challenge your self perception?  

Whether you are considering a bold and empowering boudoir shoot, celebrating the precious journey of maternity, or seeking a captivating headshot for your professional branding, know that this experience is about more than just photography.

It's about reconnecting with yourself and uncovering the beauty and confidence that lies within.

Here are just a few tips:

LET GO of any expectations or judgments you may have about yourself. Embrace your flaws, strengths, and unique qualities. Remember, it's the imperfections that make us truly beautiful.

TRUST is the foundation of a shoot. It's why I do phone consultations, so you can feel free to share your thoughts, desires, and concerns with me. 

BE KIND (to yourself) We are our harshest critics. Speak to yourself like you would your nest friend.  You CAN do anything. You DO look amazing.

AFFIRMATIONS  Visualize the confident, radiant woman you want o portray in your photographs.
Embrace the Experience: Photography sessions are an opportunity for self-expression and personal growth. 

Through this transformative process, my aim is not only to provide you with captivating photographs but also to help you see yourself through a lens of confidence and self-assurance. Y

our story is unique, and makes you the badass that you are, and it is my honor to capture it.

Please share any specific ideas, preferences, or questions before our upcoming session. Your comfort and satisfaction are my top priorities.

Thank you for choosing me to be your photographer. I am truly excited about our journey together, and I can't wait to create magic with you.

Grazie e Hasta Pronto!