Why Boudoir in my 40s?
Full disclosure, I’ve been a photographer for over a decade. And a boudoir photographer for only 3 years.
I had homeschooled for 10 years and as we were transitioning from that, I found my sense of purpose disappear, my children changing, and myself questioning who I was even? 11 years of full- time motherhood will do that to you. It’s so easy to lose ourselves in our children, their needs, our dreams for them etc… not realizing we aren’t even thinking about ourselves, and our needs at all! So, 2021 was my reset year. You can read move about that here. But essentially, I booked a boudoir/ branding shoot that helped me reconnect with who I am, and at 42 years old feel sexy and proud of me. It gave me confidence to speak of my business with joy and love and raised my vibration in a way that people noticed! I felt truly transformed, and I wanted every woman to experience this!
I came back committed to shooting boudoir…
photo credit Kara Marie Trombetta
I’ve been training, and honing my craft so that I cannot only give you the best final product, but the best experience. I want you to see what I see. The things your loved ones see… the way your nose crinkles when you smile, the dimple on your lower back, the fold in your belly where a scar may be. These are things unique to you that are beautiful but you might ignore or criticize in front of the mirror. Boudoir has the power to reframe that! This is what I want for you…
I want you to feel PROUD
Proud of who you are, how far you’ve come, and the amazing body you get to exist in! And of doing something that is very vulnerable, and raw… not to mention maybe brand new to you! I felt PROUD that I had dared to do this, at 42 years old, and at a time when:
my body was not at its best
I was coming out of depression
I wasn’t sure that I was worth it because I had never spent that much on myself
I want your CONFIDENCE to soar!
Before the shoot, everyone woman feels the nerves, fears, and hesitations. During the shoot, I will guide everything, tell you exactly what to do, which means you won’t have a lot of free headspace to wonder how you look, or if you look ok! After the shoot, you will fee, elated. Like you really achieved something… I wondered what this feeling was after my photoshoot but then I realized… it was CONFIDENCE. Because you will have just done something that was scary and new and thrived! It’s such a confidence boost, and you haven’t even seen the pictures! Once you see them , and see yourself from MY eyes… you will see your beauty; you will see your strength.
I want you to see your body as ART
Once you have your reveal with me, and we’ve oohed and awwed, once you receive your album and/or wall art… I want you to see yourself from the point of view that your body is ART. You can’t criticize art. You can’t judge it or saw harsh words about it. You admire it, even if you don’t 100% understand it. I want you to love the skin suit you have been given and to admire it like an artist. See its folds and dimples as the natural, beautiful art that it is. I want you to look at the work we created of you and remember that you can do anything, that your body is amazing and that you are one badass woman!
photo credit Kara Marie Trombetta
Interested in booking your Boudoir Experience with us?
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